JavaScript Conference 2019
Learn from the Best
Minko Gechev

Minko Gechev

Keynote Session: The Future of Front-End Frameworks

Over the years, complexity in modern web applications has been mostly going towards the client side. Shipping large single-page applications, however, introduced a lot of complexity and has its own performance penalty.
In this talk, we’re going to peek into the future. We’ll look at where modern web frameworks are heading to satisfy the continually evolving business requirements while providing excellent development ergonomics and performance.

Angular team, Google | USA

Minko is an engineer in the Angular team at Google. He loves to experiment with abstract theoretical computer science concepts transform them into robust industrial solutions. Minko’s working on compilers, tools for static code analysis, and machine learning. Some his projects are the book “Switching to Angular”, Guess.js, codelyzer, the official Angular style guide, the Go linter revive, and many others.

Minko's books

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